March 2024

How to prepare your organisation for the new era of personal computing

Want to boost your 2024 strategy? We have just the tool for your organisation.

We’re entering an exciting new era of personal computing which will change the products we build and how we build them. And it is happening right now.

This new era will add technology to even more spaces and places around us. In theory you will be minding your own business and living your life, with computing happening around you as it will be continuous, proactive and always-on.

With the Vision Pro being released in the US, these changes are happening at an increasingly fast rate, yet, for organisations we understand that it is hard to know where to start. It might be easy to think about ways that machine learning and spatial computing could enhance opportunities for your organisation, but how can you make that a reality?

There are hundreds of examples of how organisations can benefit from these technologies from training and upskilling staff to remote assistance and collaboration - and these are only light touch examples. The opportunities really are endless.

But how can I get started today?

To kick start you and your team to push you in the right direction, we’ve created an AI-powered tool that analyses where you currently are and uses GPT4.5 to generate a personalised report to help you get started. 

To complete this questionnaire, our team need to gain an understanding of the following;

Experience Vision and Strategy 

  • Who is thinking about ML and Spatial experiences within your organisation?
  • How integral are ML and Spatial to your company's value proposition and experience?
  • Who is using your third era experiences?

Spatial computing capability

  • How advanced and skilled is your team in spatial computing?
  • How advanced and effective are the tools and technologies your team uses for spatial computing?
  • How sophisticated and innovative are the techniques your team employs in spatial computing?

Applied ML capability

  • How skilled and advanced is your team in applied machine learning?
  • How sophisticated is your infrastructure and toolset for machine learning?
  • How advanced are the machine learning techniques and practises your team employs?

All the recommendations are personalised to your organisation by the brand new GPT-4 Turbo model, and primed on Loomery's general advice for boosting your 2024 strategy. 

For example, if you were a travel organisation, recommendations could look something like this…

Experience Vision and Strategy 

  • Engage senior leaders from product, technology, and design to champion spatial computing and/or ML initiatives.

Spatial computing capability

  • Develop a travel-specific spatial application that can, for instance, give virtual tours of holiday destinations.

Applied ML capability

  • Explore using ML to personalise travel recommendations or streamline the itinerary planning process.

You get the jist… it only takes a couple of minutes so try it out for yourself!

Perhaps you are a bit further down the road and want to firm up some concepts? At Loomery, we work with organisations to identify how to start preparing your organisation for these changes and offer a few packages to help you get going - Get in touch to find out more.

Score your team against the 8Cs

Sign up below to receive a worksheet to score your team against the 8Cs, and a guide to some smart next steps based on where you score lowest.

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