May 2022

Designing the first version of a new kids' classes booking platform

Nipa is an exciting new start-up founded by two new mums who noticed a gap in the market, the ability to find and book onto classes for babies and young children.  

With first hand experience of the difficulty in finding classes to attend with their children, and a network of keen parents and suppliers looking for something better, they were ideally placed to come up with the solution.   

The Nipa team came to Loomery already possessing a clear idea of the product functionality and a long list of possible features but without the technical skills to turn these into a reality. 

Crucially, as a bootstrapped start-up it was essential for them to be able to quickly understand which features would be vital to build first and which could come later.  
We worked with them to quickly make these decisions by showing them multiple different early design ideas before refining what to include in the final prototype.

The customer app

Nipa's early considerations included clearly defining the core features and functionality of the customer-facing product, as well as deciding whether it would be web or app-based. Through regular workshops with the founders we settled on creating an app that is iOS native and enables users to:

  • Find the closest classes to them
  • Buy tickets and book onto the classes
  • A way to find/filter the most relevant results
  • Have an account section containing relevant parent & child personal information
  • A place to view all booked classes

The supplier interface

For the supplier interface we faced a different set of challenges on how to create an experience that would improve how providers run their classes.  Our user research in this area revealed some key findings that we took forward into our designs.  Providers needed a product that allows them the flexibility to manage classes in multiple locations, venues and days.  Whilst also having the granular level of detail to see exactly who is attending each of these classes and being able to change key information about venues and class details.  

For the supplier interface we focused on designing a desktop experience that included:

  • A dashboard overview
  • Class schedule in both calendar and list view
  • The ability to add multiple class & location variations for suppliers
  • Details of customers attending each class.

What’s next

Following the successful initial design phase the Nipa has now moved into the MVP development phase ready for further testing with their alpha group of users in south west London.

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