January 2023

Meet the team - Milly

We’re delighted to welcome Milly Allatson to the team this year as a Product Strategy intern. We wanted to learn a bit more about her so we asked her a few questions…

Welcome, tell us a bit about yourself

Hey! I’m Milly, a recent graduate just starting my journey into tech & product development. I’m originally from a small town in North Yorkshire, and moved down to London at the start of last year for a product recruitment job. Throughout my time as a recruiter, I learnt really valuable lessons around the products and opportunities within tech, and interviewed some really impressive people. Now I’m looking to get some hands-on experience myself.

What are you looking forward to about being part of the Loomery team?

Having studied languages at university, I’m really passionate about the value of clear, concise communication - and all the problems it can forestall. I’m excited about seeing this in action in the consultancy world. I applied to join the Loomery team in particular because of the awesome projects they’re working on, and the opportunity to learn from true product & strategy experts.

How have you found your first few weeks?

My first couple of weeks have been a whirlwind - I’ve been rapidly getting up to speed with Loomery’s past and current projects & starting to get stuck in. The team are incredibly generous with their time and have taken a lot of care to mentor me. I love the energy of working at a start-up; without the need for layers of bureaucracy or too much formality.

Have you been learning anything cool outside of your discipline?

I started teaching myself to play the piano during the first lockdown in 2020, and I’ve been addicted ever since! Though to be honest, I prefer bashing out my favourite tunes and singing along rather than learning the theory and the 'right way' to play. It’s a great way to spend a cold winter evening. I’ve even started a small instagram page where I post some of my takes.

What’s your favourite tool or app most people haven’t heard of?

I recently discovered an app called Inner Balance, which combines biofeedback technology with health & wellness. You wear a heart rate monitor and complete breathing exercises, and the app gives you live feedback on your heart coherence level. I’d recommend reading into the science behind it, as it’s really fascinating!

Recommend one podcast or book

It’s got to be The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick - my brother gave it to me for Christmas and it’s given me a great introduction into the psychology of user interviews. Usually I prefer fiction, but this is such an entertaining read that I don’t mind diving in.

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