June 2024

Meet the team - Pahini

​​We are delighted to welcome Pahini Kapadia to Loomery as Product Intern!

Welcome, tell us a bit about yourself

Hi hi hi! I'm Pahini, I grew up in India and moved to London to pursue an MSc in Digital Humanities from UCL. I have an undergraduate degree in English Literature, after which I worked in marketing in India, but decided to do a postgraduate degree as I wanted to pivot to a more tech-forward role. Outside of work, I am a reader, and I enjoy going on walks and exploring London.

What are you looking forward to about being part of the Loomery team?

The chance to be a part of the Loomery team when the company is growing so rapidly is the opportunity of a lifetime. The team has been so warm and welcoming! Everyone is incredibly supportive, generous with their time, and willing to share their knowledge. I am excited to learn from this team of industry experts, expand my skill set, and grow in this collaborative and fast-paced startup environment.

Have you been learning anything cool outside of your discipline?

I try to explore a new hobby every year, and this year it has been cross-stitching. I've previously tried out pottery, knitting, painting, and I just love the idea of always learning something new and finding joy in the process.

What’s your favourite tool or app most people haven’t heard of?

It's called One Second A Day. You take a one-second Live Photo on your phone every day and the app compiles them into a montage. So, at the end of the month, you get a cool 30-second recap or a 6-minute recap at the end of your year! It's a great way to visually capture the little moments you might otherwise forget. I've been using it since 2022 and it's an incredible way to look back on the year.

Recommend one podcast or book 

I have so many! My go-to recommendation for a fantasy novel is The Bone Maker by Sarah Beth Durst. It’s a standalone (so not a lot of lore or hierarchies to keep track of), has a very easy-to-understand magic system, is incredibly fast-paced, and the characters are brilliantly written. It’s truly an underrated gem, and I can never say enough good things about this one.

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